

  • Children
  • Disability
  • Young People


  • Administration and Office
  • Advice and Information
  • Trusteeship and Committee Work

Adur Special Needs is a local registered charity providing facilities for the care, recreation and education of children and young people with special needs who are normally resident in Adur in order to assist with their integration.  Also to give respite/short breaks to parents/carers with a young person with special needs aged 5-18yrs. 

We are looking for new Trustees to bring personal and professional skills to its management team.  If you possess passion, commitment and a belief in this work and feel that you would like to contribute to this rewarding and worthwhile project and can spare a couple of hours a month this may be the ideal opportunity for you.

What skills do I need?

Trustees have different skills to offer, come from different backgrounds and have varying experiences. This helps to ensure a variety of perspectives and a more rounded and effective Executive Committee.

Skills and experience that can help include: teamwork, communication, problem solving, legal knowledge, social skills, financial knowledge & experience, decision making, professional management & business experience, IT skills and facilitating.


  • Children
  • Disability
  • Young People


  • Administration and Office
  • Advice and Information
  • Trusteeship and Committee Work


  • Accessibility
  • Age restrictions
    18 +
  • Disability and Access Support
  • Driving Licence & Vehicle Required
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Expenses reimbursed
    Out of pocket expenses
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Ongoing support
  • Training provided
  • Volunteer induction
  • Volunteer Policy
  • Wheelchair Access
  • Written role description

When can I volunteer?

Slot Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Morning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Afternoon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Evening Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


This opportunity has no specific location.

More Opportunities from Adur Special Needs Project

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