volunteering in adur


Along with our volunteering opportunities database, we bring you all the recent news within the volunteering sector:

AVA are looking for a Treasurer Trustee

finance trustee

We are looking for a volunteer trustee (with a finance background) to join our friendly, small team. We require just a few hours a month. Please read the Treasurer trustee role description.

Enquiries to please.

Mentoring/Champion Opportunities

women mentoring adurWomen mentoring. Do you know any women in your lives who you think might be interested in mentoring girls in the Adur area. The girls network would love to hear from you! Please complete the  application via the website here! Training sessions are happening over the next few weeks, for women to be matched with girls at Shoreham Academy (and other Sussex schools) this Spring. After Spring matchings (February, March, April) they won’t be beginning any new programmes until the next academic year, so are encouraging applications now.   

Do you live within Adur and are from a European, Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background?

Citizens Advice would like to connect with you, the community members, to shape your local services. We want to connect with diverse communities in Adur & Worthing so their voices can be heard on the issues impacting their community.

This network is community-led. We’ll listen to what your community needs and provide each Champion with reliable information on key topics and local services to share with their network.

Champions can be involved as much, or as little as they like and receive updates in their preferred way – email, WhatsApp, Facebook or webinars.

More details on Adur and Worthing Community Champions here:


Why not sign up to Adur Voice? Our bi-weekly email newsletter is packed with helpful advice, volunteer opportunities and news within your Adur community. We can also use it to promote date critical matters.

We also actively encourage people to submit material, especially events and news of their organisations. You can do that here:

We encourage everyone to sign up to receive AVA Voice by sending us their email details via the form below.

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All the Adur volunteering news
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Read a recent edition of the Adur Voice below

Jan 2022

Nov 2021

Oct 2021

Sept 2021

August 2021